Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thought Velocity

A piece done for an article on measuring the speed of thought. Done in pixels, I'm in the process of redoing the background.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finished Children's Book Page!

Here is the finished Children's Book Illustration. I like it, but I think at some point in the near future I will try to tweak some parts of it. I'd like to get my class critique first though.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Self Portrait

One of the things you have to do Senior Year at Ringling is make a Self portrait for the Senior Illustration Show's poster. I decided to do mine in pixels, since I'm pretty much the only artist in the senior class that uses pixel art in his work. It should hopefully put me apart from the crowd.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Children's Book...IN SPACE!

So the perspective on the boat is off, but I'll just fix that in the finish. How awesome would it be to have a rocket propelled fishing boat? Answer: This awesome.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spicy Ramen!

My first acrylic painting in almost 2 semesters. One thing that I will always love about digital stuff is the ability to mirror the image as you work on it, so you can see discrepancies with the symmetry of a face. You can't do that with a painting, and it shows here. Her eyes are not symmetrical and it really bugs me. I didn't even realize it until I scanned it to put it on here. Other than that, I'd say I like it. I'm having a lot of fun using these bright color pallets and the fiery dragons were pretty cool to do to.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ramen Girl Color Study

So here is the finished sketch with the color study on top of it. I plan on oainting this like I said but I needed to figure out the colors beforehand.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ramen Girl Sketch

So this is the rough of my next piece. I wanted to do a product advertisement, but make it alot of fun. Eventually the girl's hair will become chinese dragons spitting fire (Ramen's spicey, get it?) This'll be my first painting in awhile, so lets hope I can pull it off!

Monday, October 19, 2009

BattleSoldier Man 3: Rise of the Zombie Cyborgs!

My newest piece for illustration. I wanted to do a pixel piece again, but I had no idea how much of a challenge this thing was going to become. I had to go back and forth between Photoshop and MS Paint, which was ridiculously time consuming. At some point, I'm going to learn a faster way to do this. MS paint is fine for individual sprites, but not for a full fledged finish.

Done in MS Paint, and Photoshop CS4

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bart's Seaside Gift-Shop
's way too early in the morning to figure out if this thing is perfect...but I've been working on finishing it for about 8 hours straight. Just sent it to print, hoping to get into a very important gallery with it. I like it, but I can't help that nagging feeling that I've forgotten somethings.

Done in Adobe Illustrator.

Monday, October 5, 2009

LetterHead Version 1

Business Card V.2

Business Card, second version. For absolutely no apparent reason its showing up as blue instead of yellow, I don't know why and I've tried everything to fix it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pixel Soldier

This is the character I made for my next piece, he's gonna be fighting a horde of creatures coming down in a wave at him. I haven't finished anything else of it yet but I am pretty happy with this guy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oil Paintings

So I realized that I don't have any oil paintings up just yet. I went back and dug through some to see which ones I liked. Oils really are my least favorite of mediums, but I do like these at least.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I See You.

My first piece of my Senior year! I don't really know how I feel about it yet, it'll take some time to figure out if I like it or not. It's certainly one of my most ambitious pieces with the reflections and extreme foreshortening. It was a lot of work getting the drawing right.

Adobe Illustrator CS4

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Business Card (1st Draft)

Sorry for it being a bit fuzzy when it gets blown up, but this is the first draft of my Business Card. I'm sure that my prof's will have loads of things to change about it, but I'm really quite happy with it thus far.

Done in roughly an hour with MSPaint. Haha.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Vanir Demo video!

Here are 2 videos of my work-in-progress video game "Vanir". It's a 2D action RPG set in a space faring future. Hope you enjoy!

My own Personal Hell

Piece inspired by my personal hell, involving Grecian mythological beasts dressed as sports figures, chasing me down a football field. I had alot of fun with the characters in this one! Done in Adobe Illustrator CS3.

Adam and Eve

Acrylic painting done for the 2008 "TaTa Gala" held at Digital 3 Studios in Sarasota.

3,2,1, Bang!

An illustration piece meant to illustrate the word "go".
Pen and ink drawing finished in Photoshop.

A Child's warped reality

A piece based on the idea that a child's viewpoint of the world can be much different than an adults.

Government Surveillance series

Three pixel art pieces on government surveillance.


A piece about video game censorship, done in Illustrator CS4. I like how it turned out, especially the rainbows.

Fear of the Depths

A piece meant to illustrate my fear of deep waters and what resides in them. Acrylic painting on Illustration Board.

Muffler Punk Comic Book Cover

A mock up comic book cover using original characters. Its an older painting at this point, but I still like certain aspects of it. Acrylic on Illustration board.

Tolkien Portrait.

This piece was supposed to be a portrait of J.R.R. Tolkien. I used elements of the author and not his actual likeness. Overall, its a weak execution because of the lack of obvious details I could have put in, but I enjoy the composition. Pen and Ink finished in Photoshop CS3

Vanir video game cover.

In my free-time I've been working on an 8-bit independent video game. I decided to try my hand at making a cover for it. Certain parts of this work, others don't, namely the reflection of the planet and snake in the visor. I'll probably come back to this one at some point and touch it up before I release the game.

Britney's Peers

Although not my strongest painting, I still like the idea behind this one. I decided to make Britney both a puppet as well as a puppeteer. If you take the time to look, you might see some interesting details. Acrylic Painting on Illustration board.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2D versus 3D

My first major piece in Illustrator, this piece depicts a battle between three dimensional video game characters and two dimensional ones. It has some issues with composition, but was a great learning experience.

Mario and Donkey Kong

Although technically lacking in many places, this was my first painting I was ever really proud of. Depicting a child's viewpoint of what they're playing on that tiny Gameboy screen, we have an epic battle of 8-bit proportions going on in his head. My biggest issue with this piece is Mario's pose, but considering this painting is nearly three years old at this point I'm okay with a few small problems. Acrylics on Illustration Board.